And they said
They are good people, we will go to them
And they said
We are good people, they must not come to us
And they said
We have need of you
And they said
We have needs ourselves
And they said
We cannot stay
And they said
You must not leave
And they said
We are dying
And they said
We are saving lives
And they said
We do not want much
And they said
You want too much
And they said
Give us hope that the world has more than terror
And they said
We are too kind to ever give you hope
And they said
We ask for life
And they said
You have not earned life as we have
And they said
Please…do not turn us away…we know you are good people
And they said
Pay them no mind…we know we are good people
And they said
And they said
And they said