Ode On A Treasurer
You fire your tax bullets
Into the heart of my business
And I fall, crying for justice
Wondering, when shall humanity find peace?
When will we learn, that tax is not the answer?
How many more businesses
Must lie torn and bleeding in the muddy trenches
Young entrepreneurial concepts
Gone before their time
Because of taxes, cruel and cold, penetrating the soft corporate flesh
Thousands of mothers fall, weeping, on their doorsteps
As they open the letter
Telling them their business has been murdered
By tax
Flowers grow where once proud young businesses marched
But no field of poppies can make us forget
That here, once, there was economic activity
And here, now, there is none
Why did we welcome the taxes?
Why did we not heed warnings of the hell unleashed
When taxes are let loose, to kill and maim?
Why did we not see the tears, the howls, the survivors left helpless in hospital beds
Dreams shattered, minds loosed from their moorings by the deaths of the businesses
They once held dear?
I look at my children
And I pray only this
That they live in a world where business lives free
Where business lives happy
Where tax will not stop our hearts
Or lay waste our hopes
I pray only that my children know not the pain
Of tax
Splintering the skull
Of an innocent business
May they never say those blasted words
Dulce et decorum est
Pro negotium mori